Day 1 Demo Release!

The first day is officially up! I've been working on this since March, so it's been about 5 months of constant illustrating, writing, coding... the whole nine yards! That doesn't mean that I'm done, however-- there are still things that I want to add to the Day 1 demo in time. Those are: 

  1. Adding custom pronouns! I loooooove how that's an option in 14 Days With You (my beloved) and have some next steps already lined up for this goal. This will also be suuuuuuuuper helpful for writing Day 2, as Vesta is going to be hearing about herself a bit, and I want players to feel properly immersed!
  2. Optimizing the game for storage
    1. This game is my first foray into game development, and I will not lie: I did not plan sprite storage. I just didn't have a single plan whatsoever. This means that my sprites are currently taking up wayyyyyyyy too much space for no real reason. I intend to do some research into updating my sprites for storage optimization in-future. This process hasn't even started, as I intend to take about a week or two to get some relative R&R. I have a full-time job outside of game development, so this has been a process!
  3. Polishing/adding to current sprites
    1. I like my current sprites, the storage issue aside! However, I feel that they're a little static, what with only using one pose. In the future, I want to add additional poses to make every character feel a little more real.
  4. Day 2 Prep-- I have most of Day 2 outlined (in my noggin') and want to get started with writing out new characters for players to meet! As I mentioned before, I'll be taking one or two weeks off from game development to get some R&R, but after that it'll be back to the drawing board! The character designs for my new characters are mostly done. I just need to finish up some sprites and maybe redesign like ONE guy  and then it'll be mostly writing, coding, and backgrounds from there! 
  5. Finally, I also want to build out a "journal" system. Much of this is already coded by justsamk on Github/Reddit-- I'll just need to edit it to fit my game's aesthetic and needs, which I strongly suspect will take some time. This is just because coding is NOT my forte. That fact won't stop me, however!

Finally, to those playing my game and reading my devlog, thank you so much!! There's still a lot to do, but I am so incredibly lucky to have people in my life supporting me. Cheers!


CrystallineCage-1.0-linux.tar.bz2 399 MB
46 days ago 412 MB
46 days ago 417 MB
46 days ago

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